Sunday 12 August 2018

the blog

Writing blogs is useful to know a little more about the lives of other people, tastes, interests, points of view, among others, and also share our own interests, through this platform, or other social networks it is possible to make friends to through the tastes in common; we also better develop our ability to transmit our ideas through writing.
When entering a scientific career, there are no longer many subjects in which writing activities are carried out, so when I write blogs it is possible to return to practice and develop our skills, personally it has been useful because I stopped writing long ago about topics of my interest, also to know the interests of other people has led me to investigate and discover things that finally end up liking me, like other styles of music, new books or movies through the blogs I have known, also about scientific topics and interesting topics.
In the future it would be interesting to write about scientific discoveries that have revolutionized the world, or projects that propose to end illnesses without a cure such as different types of cancer, sida, Ebola or lupus, or the contribution we can make to the world through the career we study, among others.

Friday 10 August 2018

the organ that gives life

The organ that is obviously indispensable for life and I find it very interesting and incredible is the heart because it is the strongest muscle of the human body, it is also the ambassador of emotions, without it we could not live, as it is responsible for irrigate life to our whole body.

The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and the blood vessels and is the one that circulates the blood through the body to supply oxygen and nutrients. The heart pumps blood rich in oxygen and nutrients, keeping it moving in the body. In addition, the heart's electrical system controls the speed of the heartbeat. Specifically, it beats about 115,000 times a day, approximately 80 times per minute or about 42 million times a year.
The heart is the size of a large closed fist, and its importance is such that if it stops beating, oxygen stops reaching the rest of the organs of our body, finally causing death. It can weigh between 200-425 grams.
The heart is placed to the left because a series of genes 'push' the heart during the embryonic process to its final position in the left half of the body. And its position is fundamental for there to be an adequate match with the veins and arteries of the organism.
The most recurrent affections, related to this organ:
To take care of the heart it is advisable to take care of the weight and eat well, take care of cholesterol and glucose, sleep well, stay active, avoid stress and anxiety, control blood pressure, do not smoke, be careful with alcohol and other substances, control diabetes and diagnose any type of heart problems early.

Friday 3 August 2018

the subject that I like

The subject that I like most is the organic chemistry laboratory because it is entertaining to see the chemical reactions and know how the reagents interact to produce a product. The classes of this subject are practical although at the beginning of each class, the teacher does a small class of minutes and briefly explains what is done in the session. The interesting thing about the subject is that you always learn, even though you have to study before carrying out the process, we knows "in theory" what is going to happen, but in practice one makes mistakes and realizes that reactions may occur differently than expected, In addition, what is already studied is better understood, which is very useful for evaluations.
During the practical class, teachers and assistants must help students, ask questions, explain what happens in a chemical reaction and answer questions that arise as the class progresses, they also prevent students from making mistakes and correct them in case is not doing a stage of the process well.
The importance of this subject is that the student is closer to the world of chemistry (organic) through the use of their senses to appreciate reactions and handle chemical reagents that have special characteristics and that are only seen in a laboratory.
The class has 22 students, but there are 4 other sections with a larger number of students.

The subject has had many contents but the one I like the most is the latest, related to aromatic compounds.

the blog

Writing blogs is useful to know a little more about the lives of other people, tastes, interests, points of view, among others, and also sha...