Friday 20 July 2018

Photograph that I like

I like this photograph because it reminds me of a specific day of my life and how good I felt at that moment, I remember it was the beginning of the spring of 2016 and little by little the temperatures started to rise, the sun was warmer and could go for a walk in the field and observe the wild flowers that began to appear in all places, this photo was taken by me, I remember that day I took many pictures of flowers and landscapes in the field that I visited before living in Santiago, that photos like this remind me of the stage of my life in which I lived in the south and still did not have big worries and I could appreciate this kind of scenario every day. Also this photo reminds me that my little cousin liked to make her braids and put these flowers in her hair to make it more beautiful.


  1. this photograph also reminds me of beautiful moments

  2. In Santiago also you can take pics like this :) i promise that we'll go to places that you will like :)

  3. this picture is very tipic of the spring.


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